The sense and nonsense of diseases. Beyond mind!

About illness & Co

Illnesses and symptoms are often like a plague, like demons that won’t go away. Nevertheless, an illness or a symptom is a privilege for some spiritual enlightenment work. The body speaks to us through symptoms, and through illness to our mental attitude to life.

Anyone reading this gets the impression that I didn’t have an illness or that I didn’t struggle with pain. But I can assure you that it was precisely this experience and the maturity I gained from it that brought me to this decision. Illness, symptoms, pain … are signposts to our mental and spiritual well-being.

It is important to understand the language of the symptoms, not to interpret them, but to perceive them attentively: What is the illness forcing me to do? Which part of the body is affected, right – left?, What would I think in the same situation without the illness? How would I behave without this illness? Who does this serve best?

And if pain or cancer is my friend and wants the best for me, what does it want to tell me?

Dealing with symptoms as welcome signs of your body language helps to recognise, process and dissolve deeply rooted attitudes, conditioning, blockages, etc.

In this blog, I would like to gradually list diseases that explain this process.


February 11, 2018
