Beyond mind

Therapy with spirit and mind


Naturopathic Praxis


My name is Rosemarie Wagner and I am happy to be your contact person for your concerns.

I offer natural medicine consultations and treatments for all people who want to understand their bodies and stay or become healthy.

What can you expect from me?

Naturopathy - Natural Medicine

I offer natural medicine consultation and treatments for all people,
who understand their body and want to stay or become healthy.

Biological medicine

Biochemistry Schuessler salts, Sanum – therapy, Bach flowers, homeopathy

Preventive Medicine

Body language – How do body organs speak to us?

spiritual medicine / medication

Everything is energy! Every thought and breath.

Energy Medicine

In my practice I consider the connection of the micro – macrocosm
and apply the law of analogy.


12 Spiritual forces

What does my offer above mean for the patient visiting my practice?

My treatment approaches take into account nutrition – detoxification – energy work, manual therapies, spinal blockages, biochemistry as an effect on the body, as well as neuropsychology and psychosomatics.

I explain this with the following example:

Patient is 50 years old, has two adult children and supports her husband financially with a 20% job. However, it is not her dream job, which she once learned and passionately pursued before the children were born. Today, she hardly dares to dream about it, because too much has changed in her 23 years as a mother and housewife.

But she comes to the practice not because of her job, but because she has been diagnosed with an incurable disease.

Body level

Together with her I look at the medical findings, discuss the next medical steps taken by the doctor, add psychosomatic relevance and link with the medical diagnosis with the “body language”, explore the cause. The body as a vessel must become “clean” like a glass of water is free of lime. View habits.

Soul level

Her soul is pursuing an experience on this earth. In this body and in this environment. In what areas can she fulfill that? What is it within that is rebelling and suppressing creativity and vitality? In what aspects of life does the soul recognize embodiment as a dead end?

Social level

I consider involving the family and optimize their lifestyle. Determine what resources the patient has, who builds her up, who stands up for her, what kind of support from health insurance, government agencies, employers, etc. are available.

Spiritual Level

Thoughts are generative. What programming, conditioning, or thought patterns have become rooted in this person? In which places can the spiritual energy not unfold and vibrate through the body and inspire?

Psychic level

Body language diagnosis provides the underlying cause of mood. How do the conflicts look like? Within the body, where (condensed toxins) are emotion cadavers buried? Problems are discussed and solutions are found.

Etheric level

This level is to be understood purely energetically. Where are energy robbers located? Is there a disposition to satisfy others?

The result.

Patient is cured after only four months and four more months later she is working 50% in her dream job.

The purification of the body, the clarity of the mind purifies the person so that all the chromatic inspirations of the universe are possible. A feeling, impulse to do something, make a call, perform an action, make a decision … is perceived more quickly in a “pure, healthy” body. Just as clear water from a lime-free glass quenches thirst in a healthy way, without doubts, fears or worries in the form of limescale.