Spiritual Healing & Transformation

The Spirit directs the body!

Energy body and the triumvirate body – mind – soul

The highest goal of the soul is development, its evolution

The body and mind are servants of the soul and form of expression in the material, where everything can manifest. The soul is the emotion, the emotional energy as the driving force or horsepower like fuel for the vehicle – the body. How the horses represent the traction of a carriage.

The soul always makes the decision to be the most beautiful and highest vision of who it is. When the soul realizes that due to conditioning, programs, limitations, norms, this experience of the highest good, of the most beautiful expression of the freedom of its ideas no longer occurs, it considers leaving the body. Disease begins!

Or the consciousness works on an imminent accident with a corresponding consequence as an expression of the limited or prevented / averted soul expression: slight to moderate injury, disability or death.

The triumvirate of body – mind – soul represent a unity. If a person is dying, then the soul has made a different decision than his body and mind. Staying on earth is no longer consistent for the experience of the soul. That is why you strive for detachment from the body.

It is the same with the inhabitants of an apartment. The soul as a sum of emotions recognizes that the physical place – the home, no longer corresponds to the experience of the soul. And so the soul strives to leave this dwelling/body. The sooner the body and mind recognize this, they can engage with the soul and, as a trinity, learn to appreciate the place anew or seek a new place of action.

Until then, the “tenancy” is ailing.

It is now time to give the soul its freedom again, to leave the body/dwelling so that it can pursue other goals. If the soul makes the decision to leave the body, then nothing, but also nothing at all can change this decision. Neither body nor mind can make a change there. Unless the soul ignites its passion for life, a memory, a moment of bliss, which gives it enough strength to animate the body again.

Man identifies through his body sometimes through the mind. So, when problems occur in the body, you make an effort to fix that vehicle, like a mechanic fixes a car.

The most difficult thing for man to hear is the voice of the soul. The organ language leads to the recognition of the triumvirate (body – mind – soul) and thus to the recognition of the destiny of man. In this trinity, the soul’s desire is grasped and can be modified or adjusted accordingly by decisions of the mind and body as servants of the soul in terms of what the soul desires to experience. The outcome may include the decision of complete healing or die, but this will be done consciously, peacefully in agreement with all energy bodies and without pain.

Thus, it is possible that the soul’s urgency to leave the body for a more vibrant, joyful, onward, liberated experience can, through the insight and awareness of the body and mind, decide to make a new joint attempt with the body and mind to reshape their most ardent experiential desires at the soul level with and through the body-mind vehicle.

This decision would mean to go on living and to enter into a new experience and not to experience freedom by leaving the body, which would mean dying here on earth. This decision would mean to go on living and to enter into a new experience and not to experience freedom by leaving the body, which would mean dying here on earth. To finally return completely healthy after a few months. This is the experience desired at the soul level, which was heard by the body – spirit.

Therefore, it is important to understand the language of the symptoms, not to interpret them, but to perceive them mindfully:

What does the disease force me to do?

Which part of the body is affected, right – left?,

What would I think in the same situation without illness?

How would I behave without this disease?

Who does this serve the most?

And if pain, this disease or cancer is my friend and wants my highest best for me, what does it want to tell me?

Addressing symptoms as welcome soul-signs of your body language help to recognize, process and dissolve deeply rooted attitudes, conditioning, blockages, etc.

Energy medicine tries to grasp a living being (human, animal, plant) in its wholeness, as a gross material and fine material living being, i.e. body, mind and soul. Scientists today can measure the barely perceptible but existing energy fields in, and around, the human body and know how they are generated, and that the energy fields change with disease and disorders.

Because disease means first of all a disturbance of the energy fields, because the natural flow of energy is disturbed.

  • Physical body
  • Physical body: skeleton, bones, muscles
  • Emotional body: heart, hormones, circulation
  • Energetic circuit: combustion, digestive and sexual organs
  • Mental body: brain and nervous system
  • Spiritual body: immune system, meridians, energy, light & chakra system

In finding the cause of an existing or even persistent disease, the above diagram is relevant.


For example:

People with problems of the immune system,

  • Energy fluctuations such as
  • Performance issues,
  • Lack of concentration,
  • Fatigue,
  • Exhaustion
  • Concentration disorders.
  • higher susceptibility to infections
  • (Flu infections,
  • Sniffles,
  • Gastrointestinal infections, etc.)
  • Chronic diseases

are asked to pay more attention to the spiritual realm and make necessary transformations. An immune disease finds its cure when the spiritual aspect is lived, expressed and transformed in daily life.

It communicates to us on a physical level through symptoms, on a spiritual and psychological level by means of feelings, inspirations, situations.

The body is the partner in a rather one-sided relationship.

Communication occurs from both sides, from the individual to the body, through actions such as eating and drinking, getting dressed or going to sleep, as well as from the body through emotional expressions, such as physical manifestations, like skin blemishes, wrinkles, varicose veins, headaches, local stinging and even by means of insect bites.

The different levels of consciousness:

  • the physical level with physical pain, organ malfunctions, surgical interventions, unchangeable tissue.
  • the psychic level with our mind, mental forces, (see energy-body model.)
  • The mind, our thinking controls all physical functions.

The soul conceives, the mind creates, the body experiences.

The disease represents a constant wrong course of thoughts, which even leads to degeneration with full force of organ functions and tissues.

It is to be understood that man consists of different energy body – layers. All these fulfill the composition of our soul’s desire to experience on earth what we long for. We incarnate on earth in the appropriate vehicle. It is and will always be a desire concert and nothing is a coincidence. Just like when you can choose from the most expensive garage in the world the car that best suits the upcoming trip. It is the car with the best conditions, with the most favorable consumption and endurance. But this car has its own intelligence. The car will call out to go to the garage every now and then, it will say it needs better gasoline, a good oil, a good windshield – water and much more. The car will call out to go to the garage every now and then, it will say it needs better gasoline, a good oil, a good windshield – water and much more.